Community Services
Students may begin earning community service hours upon successful completion of the 8th grade provided they have submitted a service proposal form approved by the parent and the Principal of Wakulla High School or his/her designee. The service proposal form is required BEFORE service hours begin. Service hours must be voluntary, not for pay or high school credit. Service hours must be completed outside of the immediate family or family owned business. Documentation of hours is the responsibility of the student and is accomplished by submitting a verification of service form. A community service proposal form is needed for each individual project.
***Completing the community service proposal form and turning it in to the WHS guidance office is the responsibility of the student and is required before service hours begin. Submit completed forms to Guidance.
Click here for additional information regarding the community service hours requirements for Bright Futures.
Need Hours?
- Wakulla County Youth Baseball Association
- Paws of Wakulla
- Wakulla County Senior Center - After School Volunteers
- Babe Ruth Score Keepers
- Ronald McDonald Charity
- Florida Wild Mammal Association
- Panacea Welcome Center
- Wakulla County Schools Libraries