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Rotary Interact Club

Brooke Post, Sponsor
850-926-7125 ext: 8024

Interact is a service club for high school teens and everyone is eligible to join. We are sponsored by Wakulla Rotary Club, which provides support and guidance. Our name is a combination of the words international and action. With clubs in over 120 countries, we are an international phenomenon. 

We are dedicated to community and international service because every Interact club project--great or small--has a lasting impact on society worldwide. WHS Interact members have earned thousands of hours in the last few years!

Interact Activities at Wakulla High School include:
Coastal Clean Up
Veterans' Day Parade & Celebration
Valentine's Day Parade & Celebration
Pennies for Patients--Leukemia & Lymphoma Foundation
Operation Christmas Child - Shoebox Collection
School Festivals and Sporting Events
...and much more!