Hunter Tucker, Sponsor
850-926-7125 ext: 8077
Being on the Yearbook Staff is not only considered extracurricular, but the students on staff also earn a credit each year that they are on staff in either Digital Information Technology , Digital Design I, Digital Design II, or Digital Design III, this is considered a co-curricular class.
Yearbook staff is in charge of capturing school memories through pictures and journalism. The staff comes up with a theme for each book, they design page layouts for each section to go with the theme, they take pictures at all sporting events and school events; academic or extracurricular; they conduct interviews and surveys, they sell books, and they sell business advertisements to help keep the cost of the book to a minimum.
To become a part of the yearbook staff you must have passed DIT, you must submit an application during the month of February, and complete an interview. The interviews are conducted and staff is selected for the prior year by the upcoming Editor, Co-Editor, and Mrs. H. Tucker.
Book and Business Advertisement sales are a part of your grade in this class.