Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians,
Wakulla High School is offering a new grief support group for students. If you or any student you know could benefit from this service, please see the attached bereavement support registration and consent form.
Completed forms can be returned to Ms. Letticia Harvey or your grade-level guidance counselors. Once submitted, Big Bend Hospice and Wakulla High School will coordinate session schedules.
We hope this service will provide support to those in need.
For more information, please contact:
Letticia Harvey, MSW
Wakulla County School District
850-926-7125 ext. 8273
Picture Day will be this Tuesday, September 11, and Wednesday, September 12, in the auditorium. All students will go during English. If a student doesn't have English on campus, they should go when it is best fits their schedule.
If a student can't make it on one of these two days, the make-up picture date in November.
Below is a direct link for the Fall underclass pictures. Pictures can ordered online in advance with a debit or credit card. This is a great way for all to order instead of having to worry about bringing order forms and money on picture day.
The Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) is a progress monitoring system that is administered three times per year to track your student’s progress in learning the Benchmarks of Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Standards throughout this school year.
Please refer to the FAST PM Parent Letter for more information regarding the first administration (PM2) of the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) ELA Reading and Mathematics assessments.
Check out the BRAND NEW edition of the Wakulla High Times, an informative school newsletter from our Journalism staff!
The newsletter can be found under the STUDENTS tab or by clicking on Wakulla High Times.
Visit our Community Service page for a list of opportunities to volunteer and earn community service hours in our community!
Open enrollment for Florida Prepaid ends April 30, 2023. Visit myfloridaprepaid.com for more information about college savings plans.
Need more information on how to access your students FAST Results? Follow the directions on the slides that follow. Links to parent portal and FAST information below.
Wakulla Focus Parent Portal Link: https://wakulla.focusschoolsoftware.com/focus/auth/index.php?action=index&locale=en_US&online_app=N&type=
Understanding FAST Link:
Our Guidance Counselors developed an extensive PowerPoint meant to guide Senior Parents as they navigate post-secondary education. If your student is a Senior, please take a moment and review this useful information.
The PowerPoint can be found on the SENIORS page or on the GUIDANCE DEPARTMENT page.
As the school year approaches, please be aware of the possibility of school lunch menus changing due to the worldwide issue of supply and demand.
Wakulla County Schools and Sodexo are committed to providing a healthy quality meal for all students.